Are family and work life balance compatible? Yes. Of all? No. But we are gifts and we have superpowers.

As everyone knows, being Nina's wife, a two-year-old petite girl, has changed her life forever. There has followed a positive, gratifying change in new experiences, but not to mention, also frustrating. What voleu que us digui, jo ja fa set anys, but we're going to have the first fill: the botiga.

We will not be fooled, there has not been an easy path, but if we change, all the results have remained positive. With the girl's arrival there is a 180 degree turn, the lower priorities have changed, as is logical. It is per això that Laia Papió, with her mateixa life, is in the process of change and adaptation.

With always his defense, Laia Papió is more than a name, more than a stolen shop. Laia Papió is a local brand, made of sustainable clothing, with lots of love but above all, very dedicated.

Winter season is here, but don't you feel like you're facing the heat, what about winter facing when it's too rainy? Where this is precisely the change with which Laia Papió is adapting.

What we will talk about is the organic change that we are experiencing: the world changes, it adapts, and Laia Papió amb ell. We believe that giving the best service possible to our esteemed clients is important to be honest. Honestly, the production process for the new winter collection is slow but much better. It is very important because each phase of the process is analysed, we see the best fabrics, the best prints and the best way to contribute to the fet that this one follows a more sustainable approach and above all to fight against fast fashion.

From a social perspective it is crucial to understand this factor: the relationship between family conciliation and being a born entrepreneur. Currently, our project is governed on the basis of the organic growth of life. For the different phases in which a person finds himself in this path, for example being a mare.

Fer les coses bé es un dels valores más rellevants i volem que això, com fins ara, es vegi reflectit. The new collection will arrive, surely more forcibly than before, because som així, luitem pels nostres somnis. Hi haurà novetats? Don't wait for them, but I'm sure you'll love them.

A little by little and a good letter goes up to a good port. The new collection will arrive if it does not follow the planned times. He loves how he is in the process, he knows all the love that he possesses because those somiad fish are very real.

There's little left, estigueu, pay attention!

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