Welcome July.
How strange you are being this year.
I've been in the store for exactly 2 months, and they have been two very special months.
At first there was enormous terror upon returning, a mixture of fear and respect that dissipated once the clients began to make an appointment to come to the store. In an incredible way, I started selling in what would be a very intense month. Every time you came to the store it made me excited and reminded me how lucky I am to be able to work on what I like most. And it makes my hair stand on end to see this network of women who support and help me.
The month of June came without realizing it and we entered the phase that you came without prior notice. At first it seemed very strange to be 100% available again, but this way I was able to have new clients, new members of this family that is Laia Papió. It was a month of June with joys and reunions. With more than necessary doses of normality.
And little by little the month of July arrived with its freedom of movement and its rural exodus. We once again have empty Barcelona at the beginning of May. Empty streets, without children and with masks.
This week we once again have the threat of a second confinement, and this gives us a lot to think about but nothing positive.
Meanwhile, we continue to raise the blinds, to make you look very beautiful for the times to come.